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Friday, September 13, 2013

Where would I be, if God didn't seek the foolish?

1 Corinthians 1:27-31

This passage speaks of my life. I am forever grateful that we serve a God that Loves and see’s our hearts.

As I reflect back on my life and how foolish I lived. I realize I am the very person God speaks of in this passage.
God chooses the foolish to shame the wise, he chooses the weakest to shame the strong… this is in part of vs 27-28
I am the least to be an example of something great in this world, by world standards. I’m uneducated dropped out of
High school, I Was exposed to drugs as a very young child, and seen nothing wrong with the life style as long as you didn't get caught.
I learned some not so good character defects as very young person to list them: dishonesty works if you don’t get caught, started drinking and drugs in my teens, which led to other things like, lying, sneakiness,  impurity,  selfishness, manipulation, which the root was stemmed from  fear, insecure, which was buried under pride. 
While the whole time, I thought I was very cool.
My foolishness was very apparent (to others who might be consider wise) and my pride was very Big. My fears were very much hidden. (by drugs use)
Where would I be if God didn't seek after the foolish ones?  I would be lost in this world of shame, I would be fooled by my own pride, I would continue to most likely live in a world of evil blinded by my own choices.
I cannot believe that a God would seek me out and chose to clean me up (from the inside out) to do amazing miracles through me, and show the
World of His Great Love and compassion and Forgiveness.  He chose the foolish person that I am and weak person that I was to do amazing things.
I’m a New Creation in Christ because of His Love. Nothing I did to deserve it.
The only thing I can take credit for is that I chose to receive His Love and surrender to Him.
My Life has been an adventure I would never want to change… Because I learn of a Faithful God and His son Jesus.
 I am a new creation in Christ as he promised in 32 Corinthian 5:17

You can too.. when you surrender and accept the free gift of forgiveness for Jesus. :0

Friday, June 7, 2013

Character of Jesus vs Satan

For some reason, God keeps impressing on my heart to write about  a lesson I learned.
Understanding the Character of God vs the Character of Satan.
As we grow in Christ, meaning through the years we get to know Jesus, we renew our mind with His Word, we should be growing more and more like his character.. we should be seeing more of His Character in our life, it won't necessary happen all at once, or that you might have these character all at once, but at some point it should be more of Him and less of you..
Character of God (Jesus): is Love, Peaceful, Mercy, Kindness, Humility, Gentleness, and Patience.
In Colossians 3 Let the peace that Christ gives control your thinking. Our Minds is where we decided to live more like Christ, that's why God says we must renew our thinking.. Ephesians 4:23

Character of Satan: selfish, angry, rude, disrespectful, lies, or exaggerate the truth, causes discord, puffed up, pride, arrogant, conceit, thoughtless, puts self first. 
In Ephesians 2 God says we all started in this place of selfishness, but since we've met Jesus we should no longer live like this, gratifying the craving of our sinful nature.. 
As we grow closer to Jesus we should lose interest in these things, we should learn to say no to our selfishness, (some days its easy, some days its harder)  the Holy Spirit brings awareness, and we are no longer controlled by sin, we do have a choice.. which we never did before we met Jesus.. He's our Hero. freed us from our sinfulness.. We can't listen to the "lies" of the enemy telling us we aren't changed, we don't have a choice, Remember his character is a liar... This is where we must continue to pray for discernment of recognizing the enemy.. When you know his character then you can recognize who's who... condemning spirit is never from God, and conviction is a loving awareness of sin, that's from God. Conviction causes you to run to God for help, condemning spirit cause you to run from God.... ( stop and evaluate your situation from time to time)
Because of Jesus Love, we can't help but to become more like him, (when we draw close and spend time getting to know him) he fills us with Love and all his attributes.. :) 
I'm so excited that I have choices now and my eyes and ears have been open to the truth.. as we head in His directions be excited about where you are and don't beat yourself up if you slip, it will happen, but Jesus will always put his hand out to help us back up.  He is ever patient and will finish what he's begun in us. A promise from Philippians 1:6

Love in Christ Always, 

Friday, May 31, 2013

Victory, It starts in the Mind!

I've decided to review old notes from what seems like 100 years ago..... okay, well, maybe 6 years ago in this case:
Some things I've learned through the years of reading God's Word, learning from other people that God has allowed in my life and humbly willing to look at me.(ouch)..One thing I've learned is that it takes practice, surrendering again and again to allow God to change me into what he wants me to be.. I believe God brings His word at times through messengers... (be sure to always confirm it with God's Word). 
Victory: it starts in the Mind. (Romans 12:2)  You have to activate this power to renew your mind from the Word of God.. Get rid of the weakness, we have to have a Warrior Mind.. If we want to change we have to be willing to Change, we pray for God to Change us and then we aren't willing to change... hmmmmm   (that hurt!)  I've often looked at this change, like hiking up a mountain, it's long and slow and sometimes we slip, but when we slip we can either slip and fall and sit there and dwell on the rock that tripped us or we can wipe ourselves off (repent if necessary) and continue up the mountain!   It's a Journey... 
God has a armed us with strength in Him not in ourselves.. so when you think, "I can't do this".. your right! You can't, But!!! God can so that's where you say Out Loud, "I can Do all things through Christ who strengths me" Philippians 4:13
We have to make a decision to Live out our Christian walk, it's a lifestyle that speaks volumes' we can't just tell people/friends/family how to live, we have to show them.. I personally must live it.. I practice this daily, I fail lots of times, but I know I'm a work in progress... and God says He never gives up on us.. especially since He know's our Hearts and our sincerity..Philippians 1:6. WE are Never Alone in our Walk, it's our job to Renew our Mind with the Word (read the bible), It's our Job to Confess the Word, (speech is positive) and It's God's Job to change us..(after you accept Jesus the Holy Spirit lives in Us).. We do all we can, and then He does what we can't.. We can ask him to help us with the area's we struggle with...  We have to watch how we speak, what comes out our mouth, defeat or victory,  are we victims or are we Victorious? 
We will never grow past the imagine we have of yourself..... see yourself as the New Creation in Christ strong and victorious in Him.... The Past is the Past, it's a New Day and New Growth.. 
Love to learn the Truth so that we might grow up.. (Spiritually) 

Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Ephesian 4:15 . Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in ALL  things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ. 

Be Blessed Today... in your Victories.. and Boldness in your weakness. 
Love in Christ Always, Sophia

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

How do you get through....

Am I the only one who often wonder when things happen that don't make sense, and you wonder how your going to get through the situation.  Do you lay down and cry, do you sit in front of  the computer and search for whatever, do you play video games all hours of the night, or do you go out and feed the flesh... I think these are part of growing pains, (spiritual growing pains) to see how we react to the unplanned, disappointing events. We can stand firm on God's word.. and Grow through them, or we can slip backwards as we allow the flesh to rise up and do old stuff... or listen to the enemy push us around, fill our thoughts with doubts and fears, or that were worthless, or always going to fail.. LIES!... or we can speak the promises from God and let the Holy Spirit change us to become more like Jesus.When We Speak, that allows the Holy Spirit to Change our atmosphere.. .
We or should I say Me... I tend to grow closer and faster when the unexpected brings me to my knees.. . I want to Always remember to use the Authority I have in Jesus when I use His name and speak His promises: When His Word is in you, they will come to mind.. for example.. "When I am weak, He is Strong", when I have fears, I remember "God doesn't give me a spirit of fear, but of courage strength and a sound mind". I remember God said today Psalms  27: 13-4 I am still confident of this; I will see the goodness of the Lord in the Land of the Living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord..  I choose to Stand Firm on His Truth... 
As I look back on many rough roads, unfair, undeserved.... well some were my own bad choices... but most of the time I had a good heart, and good intentions... I learn from reading the Life of Joseph that you can be bold  and do everything to best of your abilities and bad things can still happen. Even when other people make decisions that affect you personally... God is still in control, He had a Bigger picture.. that Joseph didn't always see... But he always seem to have faith..
God has showed me, the many times how he's been there.. .. I can remember feeling sad, and God would bring a song to encourage me, Bryan Duncan singing "Things are going to Change" .. I sang that for years, or He would bring a scripture to mind or show me as i read His word. I can say things have truly changed, just like the song...  more than I could have ever imagined. Ephesians 3:20 comes to mind..
Do Not Forget there's a Much Bigger Picture that God is working on... So walk by faith, not by sight. 

Love In Christ Always, Sophia