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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

How do you get through....

Am I the only one who often wonder when things happen that don't make sense, and you wonder how your going to get through the situation.  Do you lay down and cry, do you sit in front of  the computer and search for whatever, do you play video games all hours of the night, or do you go out and feed the flesh... I think these are part of growing pains, (spiritual growing pains) to see how we react to the unplanned, disappointing events. We can stand firm on God's word.. and Grow through them, or we can slip backwards as we allow the flesh to rise up and do old stuff... or listen to the enemy push us around, fill our thoughts with doubts and fears, or that were worthless, or always going to fail.. LIES!... or we can speak the promises from God and let the Holy Spirit change us to become more like Jesus.When We Speak, that allows the Holy Spirit to Change our atmosphere.. .
We or should I say Me... I tend to grow closer and faster when the unexpected brings me to my knees.. . I want to Always remember to use the Authority I have in Jesus when I use His name and speak His promises: When His Word is in you, they will come to mind.. for example.. "When I am weak, He is Strong", when I have fears, I remember "God doesn't give me a spirit of fear, but of courage strength and a sound mind". I remember God said today Psalms  27: 13-4 I am still confident of this; I will see the goodness of the Lord in the Land of the Living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord..  I choose to Stand Firm on His Truth... 
As I look back on many rough roads, unfair, undeserved.... well some were my own bad choices... but most of the time I had a good heart, and good intentions... I learn from reading the Life of Joseph that you can be bold  and do everything to best of your abilities and bad things can still happen. Even when other people make decisions that affect you personally... God is still in control, He had a Bigger picture.. that Joseph didn't always see... But he always seem to have faith..
God has showed me, the many times how he's been there.. .. I can remember feeling sad, and God would bring a song to encourage me, Bryan Duncan singing "Things are going to Change" .. I sang that for years, or He would bring a scripture to mind or show me as i read His word. I can say things have truly changed, just like the song...  more than I could have ever imagined. Ephesians 3:20 comes to mind..
Do Not Forget there's a Much Bigger Picture that God is working on... So walk by faith, not by sight. 

Love In Christ Always, Sophia

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