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Friday, September 13, 2013

Where would I be, if God didn't seek the foolish?

1 Corinthians 1:27-31

This passage speaks of my life. I am forever grateful that we serve a God that Loves and see’s our hearts.

As I reflect back on my life and how foolish I lived. I realize I am the very person God speaks of in this passage.
God chooses the foolish to shame the wise, he chooses the weakest to shame the strong… this is in part of vs 27-28
I am the least to be an example of something great in this world, by world standards. I’m uneducated dropped out of
High school, I Was exposed to drugs as a very young child, and seen nothing wrong with the life style as long as you didn't get caught.
I learned some not so good character defects as very young person to list them: dishonesty works if you don’t get caught, started drinking and drugs in my teens, which led to other things like, lying, sneakiness,  impurity,  selfishness, manipulation, which the root was stemmed from  fear, insecure, which was buried under pride. 
While the whole time, I thought I was very cool.
My foolishness was very apparent (to others who might be consider wise) and my pride was very Big. My fears were very much hidden. (by drugs use)
Where would I be if God didn't seek after the foolish ones?  I would be lost in this world of shame, I would be fooled by my own pride, I would continue to most likely live in a world of evil blinded by my own choices.
I cannot believe that a God would seek me out and chose to clean me up (from the inside out) to do amazing miracles through me, and show the
World of His Great Love and compassion and Forgiveness.  He chose the foolish person that I am and weak person that I was to do amazing things.
I’m a New Creation in Christ because of His Love. Nothing I did to deserve it.
The only thing I can take credit for is that I chose to receive His Love and surrender to Him.
My Life has been an adventure I would never want to change… Because I learn of a Faithful God and His son Jesus.
 I am a new creation in Christ as he promised in 32 Corinthian 5:17

You can too.. when you surrender and accept the free gift of forgiveness for Jesus. :0

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, it's been so long since I've blogged.. But God has put a inspired word in me to share.. and I will be writing more often. Glory to God in the Highest..
