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Friday, June 7, 2013

Character of Jesus vs Satan

For some reason, God keeps impressing on my heart to write about  a lesson I learned.
Understanding the Character of God vs the Character of Satan.
As we grow in Christ, meaning through the years we get to know Jesus, we renew our mind with His Word, we should be growing more and more like his character.. we should be seeing more of His Character in our life, it won't necessary happen all at once, or that you might have these character all at once, but at some point it should be more of Him and less of you..
Character of God (Jesus): is Love, Peaceful, Mercy, Kindness, Humility, Gentleness, and Patience.
In Colossians 3 Let the peace that Christ gives control your thinking. Our Minds is where we decided to live more like Christ, that's why God says we must renew our thinking.. Ephesians 4:23

Character of Satan: selfish, angry, rude, disrespectful, lies, or exaggerate the truth, causes discord, puffed up, pride, arrogant, conceit, thoughtless, puts self first. 
In Ephesians 2 God says we all started in this place of selfishness, but since we've met Jesus we should no longer live like this, gratifying the craving of our sinful nature.. 
As we grow closer to Jesus we should lose interest in these things, we should learn to say no to our selfishness, (some days its easy, some days its harder)  the Holy Spirit brings awareness, and we are no longer controlled by sin, we do have a choice.. which we never did before we met Jesus.. He's our Hero. freed us from our sinfulness.. We can't listen to the "lies" of the enemy telling us we aren't changed, we don't have a choice, Remember his character is a liar... This is where we must continue to pray for discernment of recognizing the enemy.. When you know his character then you can recognize who's who... condemning spirit is never from God, and conviction is a loving awareness of sin, that's from God. Conviction causes you to run to God for help, condemning spirit cause you to run from God.... ( stop and evaluate your situation from time to time)
Because of Jesus Love, we can't help but to become more like him, (when we draw close and spend time getting to know him) he fills us with Love and all his attributes.. :) 
I'm so excited that I have choices now and my eyes and ears have been open to the truth.. as we head in His directions be excited about where you are and don't beat yourself up if you slip, it will happen, but Jesus will always put his hand out to help us back up.  He is ever patient and will finish what he's begun in us. A promise from Philippians 1:6

Love in Christ Always, 

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