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Saturday, April 24, 2010

What are you going to say?

I was thinking when you get to heaven and we meet the Lord, is He going to ask you how many baseball games did you win, or how long did you workout today, how many deer did you catch hunting, who wrote on your twitter, facebook today, how much did you benchpress, or how far did you jog today. How much overtime did you work, or how many showed up at happy hour today.

Or is he going to ask you did you love your wife/husband today. Did you give your kids a hug and let them tell you about thier day, if they pass there test at school, did someone bully them at the playground. Did your 15yr daughter get offended by a boy today. Were you there to be her hero, or mom were you there to hug her and give her confidence.
Is God going to ask you did you kiss your wife today, she wasn't feeling well. But didn't complain because she want to hear about your day.
Wife did you greet your husband and tell him how much you love him, and how thankful you are for all he does. Provides for the family, or helps around the house. Did you tell him he's your Hero!

These are the things that are important. We can live to be 100 or we can die tomorrow. ...what are people going to remember you most for? What are they going to miss the most about you?

Love is the most important thing! If we don't show it now, who's going to know.

Stop getting caught up in everything that's going to pass away, or be going on with out you when you pass away.
Leave a legacy behind... one called Love.

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