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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bitter Sweet

I was spending time listening to a teaching on Ezekiel: Wow...I'm so greatful, God chose me to live in these days. What struck me in what I learned was this:
Eat my Word, it taste of Honey. If you digest the word it makes you stronger in faith, and wisdom sweetens your life. In Rev. 10:9 John experience a similiar experience. but it said sweet
going down, when you swallow it will be bitter to your stomach... at times its bitter sweet.
Sweet because its the Word of God comforting- encouraging- loving- forgiving as mentioned above wisdom and faith come.
Bitter because at times its so hard to be obedient, hard to learn the truth about ourselves. hard to make changes from habits you've done your whole life. Bitterly hard to look at character defects that are passed on from generations.
These are the things that God wants to change in us, the one's we can't, the one's we didn't even know were there or had no say in the character building years as a child.
God says, I know and it's okay, just acknowledge it and then give it to me. Don't beat yourself up, don't get into works... trying to hard and failing thinking it's something you can change.
It's my job to change you, it's your job to be obedient when I show you, you.
I love you to much to leave you there hurting your self, I love you to much to not change you to a happier, joyful, peaceful new creation in me.

So what I've taken out of this is, wow I'm glad I'm not God. Now- Help me to let go, and look at it (what ever it is at this time in your life) and then pass it on to him. I've also realized how good it feels to be in the Word spending time with God.
Have a Blessed day.....

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