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Wednesday, April 3, 2019

We have the Holy Spirit who desires to give us the Gifts from the Father. 
As I spoke before on The Heart of God the 8 Gifts from God.
We can have these gifts as we draw closer to Jesus and learn of the Father God. 
Tonight I'm focusing on the Gifts of Healing, Power and Prophecy:
It's real exciting to think God wants us to enjoy these gift from Him. Like all parents who love giving gifts parents are just as excited and blessed and the giver. So when we think about Father God excited to share, what comes to mind is we have a responsibility as we get these gifts. They come with the Love of the Father so we desire the things of the Father.
So this journey with Christ is just that, as we surrender our will, we let go of who we think we are and we Believe who God says we are. We are son's and daughters of the King. 
If we have Jesus as our Lord and we build our relationship we begin have the character of Christ which I spoke before that are the Fruits of the Spirit. (go back and listen to the teachings on The Heart of God on Fruits of the Spirits)
Today we can trust Jesus when he said we can do greater things than him. (in regards to the gift of Healing and Power and Prophecy: 

John 14:12 Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.

So Jesus set the example for us in the Gospels: Please take the time to read the Gospel of Matthew He did many miracles: 8:1-17 He healed the sick, drove out demons, even healed on behalf of friends faith. But what's most interesting is I see they all either asked for themselves or ask for someelse. When they didn't ask for Jesus to heal them, Jesus asked them? Read John5:6 When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, “Do you want to get well? 
Jesus never pushed himself on anyone.. .that's another example for us to follow. 
If you desire this give of healing, power then study and learn how Jesus set the example. 
Don't be shy, if you have this give, you will learn of the Father heart which is Love and he Loves to show His Love. For the Gift of Prophesy I believe you must have the Love of God in you will no judgement, God will lead you to hear and move on his desires, just like Jesus said I do what the Father desires of Me. 
I too desire to do what the Father desires of me. Sometime i have to just do it scared, when I know the Father is asking me to do something challenging. 
I can share a few experience I had, by hearing from God. ( I personally desire the GIFT of Prophecy because i believe it is the root of Hear and Loving Like the Father does. 
May I share this experience: My husband and I were waiting for a table at a local busy restaurant after church as we sat, i saw this tall young man dress very nice, he appeared to be gay (because of his feminine mannerisms he was a bit flamboyant) and I say that with all due respect. As we were seated in a booth, my husband and I were just talking and waiting for our food, when I see the young man and his partner be seated in the table next to us. No big deal I just recognized him. But before we were about to leave, I hear the Holy Spirit tell me to tell the young man that had joined this man, that I LOVE HIM! I WAS SOOO EXCITED, I TOLD MY HUSBAND OOOOH MY GOD. "OMG" I have to tell this man God Loves Him! My husband who I love and has the biggest heart ever said... WAIT TILL I GET TO CAR! He's doesn't have this gift.. haha  I say jokingly.  Anyways, I was excited to give this message.. but it was a bit scary. After my husband went to pay the bill, i stood up and tapped on the young man's shoulder, he looked up and I whispered in his ear ( his friend leaned in toward me as if to protect) I said God wants me to tell you HE LOVE YOU. The man looked shocked and tears started pouring down his cheeks. 
I don't know why I needed to tell him that, but God knew he needed to hear it. I sometimes try and figure things out, and my heart wondered if this man was hurting so much and wonder if God even loved him. 
BE BOLD TODAY.. ASK GOD FOR HIS GIFTS.. They typically come out of our pain. So let him heal your heart first. 
Love you Always, hope you enjoyed this Blog for THE HEART OF GOD. 

Sophia Daughter of the King.
Some verses to read: Luke 6:18-19 and Luke 9:1-6  Luke 10:12-20  John 14:12-14