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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother Days

What an awesome thought... Today is mother's Day... It's great to think that God chose women to be a giver of life. Think about the huge responsibility that is.... not only to give life through birth, but to give life through our Words.... We give life to our children when we lift them up with encouragement, when we instruct and teach! Our words are so powerful.... use them wisely.

I'm blessed to be a mother and still have my mother here today.
Happy Mothers Day.

Friday, May 7, 2010

How's your Heart Attitude?

I was sooo sick for a few weeks with pneumonia... it kept me down longer than I've ever been. Thank you God it's behind me.
I've learned a few things... of course! I always tend to think there's a lesson in everything...
When I became a Christian I realized back then nothing happens by accident. I can either grow in faith, grow in character or someone else is watching how I get through the situation, with faith or like the world! Meaning; am I handling things with patience, joy, peace, Love... or am I handling thing with murmuring, complaining, negative attitude or blaming others. These are not characteristics of my Lord and Saviour..... or how I want to be.
Trust me, I tend to NOT handle thing quite the way I should. (the first time around)... I'm a life lessons of oops or yeah... I got it. It's a great adventure that I've realized, not to beat myself up when I miss the mark.... just to recognize it and move forward with expectations of change... (in me of course)
God is Good and He doesn't look at us from the outside, He looks at us from the inside.... how's your Heart Attitude! Have a Blessed Day, and Don't waste the Trial!